5 signs you should not ignore about your menstrual health - Get Staygreen Sanitary Napkins for Women Online at Ecopaal India

5 signs you should not ignore about your menstrual health

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5 signs you should not ignore about your menstrual health

We take very good care of our health but only when we fall sick. Have you ever thought that, if we take care of our health every day, our body would prove to be our best and the most valuable asset? Similarly, during menstruation, our body needs more attention and care. Most of us ignore the signs that our body gives us during or prior to our periods. These signs or we could also say symptoms could be mild or severe. Hence the best way to take care of your health is to monitor your periods. Mild signs are always observed during periods but if they are severe then it is advisable to visit a doctor.


Let us understand few signs by asking ourselves the following questions:

  1. Is my flow very heavy?

How would you differentiate between heavy flow and very heavy flow? Many women experience normal to heavy flow during the first 3 days of their periods. But if the heavy flow interferes with your daily activities, then it means the flow is very heavy. Very heavy flow could be a sign of hormonal imbalance or any underlying health conditions related to your uterus.

  1. Did I miss my period?

There could be multiple reasons for not getting periods. Most common ones are pregnancy and menopause. Other reasons could be stress, underweight/overweight, PCOS or intense workout. If you are not pregnant and have missed 3 periods in a row then it is very important to get yourself checked by a health expert.

  1. Are there blood clots along with my flow?

During days of heavy flow, some clotting is normal. But if the clots are large, like the size of a coin, and appears more frequent along with heavy flow, then it could be a sign of any underlying health conditions such as fibroids, endometriosis or adenomyosis. These health conditions occur when the uterine lining grows through the wall of the uterus. If blood clots occur during pregnancy, then it could be a sign of miscarriage. In such scenarios, you should consult your doctor immediately.

  1. Do I feel tenderness in my breasts?

During periods, mild tenderness of breasts is normal. But if the tenderness is severe or if you feel a lump in the breast or notice any changes in the nipple or on the skin of the breast, then it could be a matter of concern. Such issues call for medical attention.

  1. Am I getting intense cramps?

During periods, many women experience throbbing pain or kind of a catch in their lower abdomen. These are known as menstrual cramps. Menstrual cramps are normal but if the pain is severe or unbearable then it isn’t normal. The severe pain that women experience during menstrual cramps could be due to multiple reasons such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, hormonal fluctuations, etc. In such cases it is advisable to get yourself checked by your gynecologist.


If your answer to any of the above questions are affirmative, then it is advisable to visit a gynecologist and get yourself evaluated. We should always remember that menstruation is not a sickness and the above signs shouldn’t be taken as problems.

A woman is the most beautiful creation of mother nature. Menstrual cycle though is a challenge, but every woman faces it gracefully.

Buy Staygreen Pads for healthy and happy periods and help yourself as well as the environment.

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