5 ways of helping underprivileged girls by donating Sanitary Napkins - Get Staygreen Sanitary Napkins for Women Online at Ecopaal India

5 ways of helping underprivileged girls by donating Sanitary Napkins

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5 ways of helping underprivileged girls by donating Sanitary Napkins

In the day-to-day life of every woman, there can be many essentials, depending upon her choices and preferences. While cosmetics and toiletry can still be done without, there is something that is extremely essential for every girl or woman; and that is a ‘Good Quality Sanitary Pad’ during her periods.

Today a lot of women, entrepreneurs, social activists and even common citizens are contributing in their own little way by donating sanitary pads to a lot of NGOs who are working towards the betterment of women and girls. Such contributions and awareness campaigns have brought about a significant increase in the number of women using sanitary pads during menstruation, over the past few years.

Let us see how donating Sanitary Pads to Women NGOs and orphanages helps the women and girls living there:

  1. Awareness of hygiene
    Orphans or the destitute, living in homes with no family, may not feel comfortable talking about menstruation due to lack of knowledge. When special programmes or donation camps are held at the homes, these women gain more knowledge and young girls understand the importance of personal hygiene such as how to keep oneself clean, changing of pads at regular intervals and using the right products. They also learn that menstruation is nothing shameful, rather something very beautiful.
  2. Period anxiety
    This is one concern that is not often spoken about, as cramps and bloating are. Anxieties usually occur due to the hormonal imbalance we undergo during the luteal phase of menstruation. Mood swings, irritability are the most common issues faced by the majority of women. Using the right Sanitary Napkins usually helps reduce period anxiety thus making it a comfortable experience for every girl.
  3. Proper sleep
    Special homes and NGOs usually have a well planned out schedule. If a girl or woman who is menstruating doesn’t get good sleep out of fear of staining or due to rashes and itchy sensation, they will not be able to cope with the daily tasks and may feel isolated and anxious. Biodegradable Sanitary Pads have a soft and natural feel and are totally leak-proof. If underprivileged girls get to wear these pads, it will surely help them get good sleep during their periods.
  4.  No long-term effects
    A sanitary napkin comes in direct contact with the vagina which is the most sensitive part of your body. It is essential to know the material used in the sanitary napkin as synthetic pads can cause rashes, irritation and the harmful chemicals used like bleaches and deodorant can cause infections also leading to cervical cancer or infertility. Using naturally made sanitary napkins that contain a cotton base, bamboo fibres, banana fibre or corn starch can keep a lot of health hazards at bay.
  5.  Feeling empowered
    Due to the old beliefs, menstruation is considered taboo, hampering the confidence of young girls, in their day-to-day life affecting them physically as well as psychologically. When a woman is free from the feeling of omen and disgust, she is ought to feel empowered. By donating Sanitary Pads to women in special homes, we help them gain more confidence about menstruation being a normal phenomenon and make them realize how beautiful they are.

Inculcating values with the right education is what we need today. And it is only possible if each one of us come together and support every woman to get what they deserve. Almost everyone donates food, clothing and used items to needy organizations. Are you willing to donate Sanitary Pads and change the life of a girl?

Buy Staygreen Pads for healthy and happy periods and help yourself as well as the environment.

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